
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mexican Art & Culture - 2013 Year of José Guadalupe Posada - "La Catrina" 100 years old

Mexican Art & Culture

2013 Year of José Guadalupe Posada

 "La Catrina" 100 Years old

Diego Rivera's Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park. A representation made of tile of the famous
This year 2013 in México has been dedicated to famous Mexican engraver, Illustrator and artist José Guadalupe Posada, who died on January 20th 100 years ago. His famous illustration of "La Catrina" known originally as "Calavera Garbancera" was published for the first time in November, a few months after his death. 
During this year in México a series of conferences, exhibitions, movies, documentaries, literary programs, etc. have been organized to honor José Guadalupe Posada.

CONACULTA: Anuncian las actividades conmemorativas por el homenaje nacional a José Guadalupe Posada

The following articles are available online:  

Posada Transmisor Micrositio - Museo Nacional de Arte
José Guadalupe Posada Transmisor - Micrositio - Museo Nacional de Arte

TV UNAM has dedicated a special program that you can watch online on Wednesday January 23rd 21 hrs. (19:00 hrs Vancouver) "Más allá de la Catrina" Especial a 100 años de su fallecimiento 

Source TVUNAM "Más allá de la Catrina" - Especial a 100 años del fallecimiento de José Guadalupe Posada
 The National Museum of Art in Mexico City (MUNAL - Museo Nacional de Arte) has a collection of Posada's art on its Catalogue online: Acervo MUNAL en línea (or click twice on the picture below).

Acervo MUNAL en línea

The MUNAL paper of January is also dedicated to his life and art.

MUNAL paper January 2013 dedicated to Jose Guadalupe Posada
"Calavera Garbancera"  by  Mexican Artist José Guadalupe Posada also known as "La Catrina" by Diego Rivera 

Aguascalientes celebra los 100 años de Posada ... 

Aguascaliente celebra los 100 años de Posada

Museo José Guadalupe Posada

Museo José Guuadalupe Posada - Aguascalientes, Ags. México
Museo José Guadalupe Posada in Aguascalientes, Ags, México

Festival de Calaveras en Aguascalientes

El jarabe en ultratumba - The Folk Dance Beyond the Grave - Jose Guadalupe Posada
Festival de Calaveras en Aguascalientes organized to preserve and rescuer the Day of the Dead celebrations and also to honor José Guadalupe Posada who was born in Aguascalientes.

"Estampa Viva. The Folk Dance Beyond the Grave"  Art Exhibit by Juan Gorupo at the University of San Luis Potosi to pay homage to José Guadalupe Posada in the 100th year anniversary of his death. 

The art work is based on his "The Folk Dance Beyond the Grave"  engraving. 

Flickr Pictures: "Estampa Viva. The Folk Dance Beyond the Grave"  Art Exhibit by Juan Gorupo
"Estampa Viva.  Jarabe de Ultratumba " Homenaje a PosadaArtist: Juan Gorupo San Luis Potosí, SLP México

"Estampa Viva.  Jarabe de Ultratumba " Homenaje a PosadaArtist: Juan Gorupo San Luis Potosí, SLP México
"Estampa Viva.  Jarabe de Ultratumba " Homenaje a PosadaArtist: Juan Gorupo San Luis Potosí, SLP México

Ofrenda a José Guadalupe Posada en El Palacio Municipal de San Luis Potosi, México

Gorgeous Day of the Dead altar to honour José Guadalupe Posada in The Municipal Palace, San Luis Potosí, México 

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