
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Khatsahlano The West 4th Music+Art Street Festival - Kitsilano in Vancouver

Khatsahlano The West 4th Music+Art Street Festival - Kitsilano in Vancouver
2012 - This year the festival will take place on Saturday July 21st. and will count with five man stages presenting over 30 top musical performers. There will be patios, merchants and different activities all along 4th Ave. in the Kitsilano neighbourghood . For more information visit  and also Khatsahlano Facebook Page. 

Vancouver is proving to be the Cultural capital of Canada, this time with Khatsahlano. The Khatsahlano street festival was celebrated for the first time in Kitsilano and reunited dozens of excellent independent artists in four different stages along 8 blocks of 4th. Avenue from Burrard to MacDonald streets.

There were also side walks sales, a huge garage sale and many of the restaurants set patios on the side walk.
It was an amazing day for the hundreds of people who attended the festival and there is no doubt that Khatsahlano was a real success.

Maple Beach B&B A Bed and Breakfast in Kitsilano - Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Catlow at The Peak Main Stage 4th Ave. and Vine - Khatsahlano Festival in Kitsilano

Patrick Spencer performing outside The Kitsilano Wider Monk coffee - Khatsahlano in Kitsilano
Steak Sandwiches at Market Meats - Khatsahlano Festival
David Vertesi at  The Peak Main Stage 4th Ave. and Vine - Khatsahlano Festival
Shocker Wings eating contest at Room 18 Restaurant - Khatsahlano Festival  Kitsilano
speed contest - Khatsahlano Festival
Minotaur walking on 4th Ave. - Khatsahlano
Dunk Tank by Fire Rescue - Khatsahlano
Will Stelfox has these children captivated with his magic - Khatsahlano
crowd  walking at Khatsahlano Festival in Kitsilano
Antique version of the #4 Bus  - Khatsahlano
Kitsilano largest Garage Sale in Khatsahlano
Nardwuar and The Evaporators at Safeway Stage 4th and Maple street - Khatsahlano

Khatsahlano The West 4th Music+Art Street Festival - Kitsilano Vancouver

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